kangen blog

| Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Hampir 10 Tahun tidak pernah liat blog ni

Si Burung Merak Telah Tiada

| Saturday, August 8, 2009
Rizqan Sunandar (aluqnic@yahoo.co.id) telah mengirim artikel Yahoo! Indonesia Berita ke Anda
Pesan pribadi:

Si Burung Merak Telah Tiada

Yahoo! Indonesia News - http://id.news.yahoo.com/

| Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cara cepat update PageRank Google

Mau tahu Cara cepat update PageRank di Google? Makanya jangan pernah menganggap remeh penyebaran produk dengan pemasaran sistem Multi Level Marketing? Dan dalam postingan kali ini saya mau mencoba mengajak kamu semua untuk memanfaatkan kedahsyatan faktor kali dan kecepatan penyebaran ini dalam bentuk backlink. Seperti yang diajarkan oleh Lerry pemilik Lerry060183's Weblog.

Caranya gampang kok, Yang perlu kamu lakukan adalah meletakkan link-link berikut ini di blog atau artikel kamu

1. Detik
2. Okezone
3. Facebook
4. Friendster
5. Google
6. SEO Tutorial
7. Artis News
8. Blogku.info
9. Lerry060103
10. Rizqan

Tapi ingat, sebelum kamu meletakkan link diatas, kamu harus menghapus peserta nomor 1 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level. Yang tadi nomor 2 jadi nomor 1, nomor 3 jadi 2, dst. Kemudian masukkan link kamu sendiri di bagian paling bawah (nomor 10).

Jika tiap peserta mampu mengajak 5 orang saja, maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah

Ketika posisi kamu 10, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 9, jml backlink = 5
Posisi 8, jml backlink = 25
Posisi 7, jml backlink = 125
Posisi 6, jml backlink = 625
Posisi 5, jml backlink = 3,125
Posisi 4, jml backlink = 15,625
Posisi 3, jml backlink = 78,125
Posisi 2, jml backlink = 390,625
Posisi 1, jml backlink = 1,953,125

Dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci yang kamu inginkan. Dari sisi SEO kamu sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink dan efek sampingnya jika pengunjung web para downline kamu mengklik link itu, juga membuat blog kamu mendapatkan traffik tambahan.

Nah, silahkan copy paste artikel ini, dan hilangkan peserta nomor 1 lalu tambahkan link blog/website kamu di posisi 10. Ingat, kamu harus mulai dari posisi 10 agar hasilnya maksimal. Karena jika kamu tiba2 di posisi 1, maka link kamu akan hilang begitu ada yang masuk ke posisi 10.

Selamat mencoba

Improve Internal Linking on Your Blog

| Friday, July 17, 2009
An effective internal linking strategy is important for a few reasons: 1) It helps to increase page views and encourage readers to stay on your blog longer by providing enticing links to content that may interest them, and 2) it can help to improve the search engine rankings for your posts and pages.

In this article we’ll take a look at ten easy ways to improve the internal linking throughout your blog. Put these into action and you’ll be well on your way to creating a more user-friendly blog and also helping your search engine rankings at the same time.

1. Use a sitemap
Sitemaps are not only important for helping visitors find what they’re looking for, but they’re also an easy way to increase the amount of internal links to your important pages. I’m not talking about XML sitemaps created for search engines (although they can be important too), but rather a sitemap for your readers with links to all of your posts, or at least your most important ones.

WordPress users can use the Sitemap Generator Plugin from Dago Design to automatically create a sitemap for their blog. This plugin creates a helpful sitemap page with links to your posts arranged by category.

2. Create a FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions pages can help you to get internal links to your posts while using highly targeted keywords and phrases. Create some common questions readers might have that can be answered by your blog posts. Pose the question on the FAQ page and partially answer the question and provide a link to a particular post for more information. When phrasing the questions, use keywords that readers are likely to use when performing a search, as this can help to improve traffic from search engines. Also use keywords in the anchor text of the links to your posts.

3. Link to related posts
Linking to posts on similar topics can help your readers to find additional content that may interest them. Just as importantly, it can also improve the number of internal links to your blog posts. You can manually create related links at the end of your posts, or you can use a plugin to do it for you. WordPress users can download the Related Entries plugin.

4. Include links to your most popular posts on your sidebar
Many blogs contain links to specific posts in the sidebar. Linking to those that are the most popular is a good way to increase your page views and also to improve your internal link strength. This also can either be done manually or with the use of a plugin. Doing it manually will require updates and changes whenever you want to feature new posts, whereas a plugin like MostWanted will eliminate the manual effort.

5. Write a series of posts
One easy way of building up the number of internal links going from one post to another is to write a series. As the series is written and published each post can link to the others. If you have a very long post, consider breaking it into a series. Be careful not to do this all the time as your readers may start to feel like you are using them to gain page views.

6. Do a weekly or monthly summary
Many bloggers wrap up each month with a post that links to some of the most popular recent posts on the blog with a brief description of each. This obviously gives you a chance to add some internal links, and it can help readers who may have missed some posts as well as new subscribers who may not have had the opportunity to read some of your best work.

7. Place links on your 404 pages
Error pages are frustrating to visitors. Help make your 404 error pages more-user friendly and drive a little bit of extra traffic to some of most important posts. Most WordPress themes include a 404.php file that can be edited to include and content you want, including links. If you are using a WordPress theme that does not include a 404 file, see the WordPress Codex for instructions.

8. Include links in your footer
Depending on what blog theme you are using, your footer may be wasted space that includes very little valuable content. Many visitors who have read to the bottom of your posts or scrolled all the way down looking for something will check the footer for relevant links rather than scrolling back to the top. Why not provide these visitors with links to other posts or pages on your blog?

9. Use text links throughout posts
As your writing your blog posts keep an open eye for opportunities to link to older posts. If you have text relates to the topic of an older post, create a link. As you build more and more content this will be even easier to do. It’s also a good idea to periodically go back through some of your older posts to look for linking opportunities to more recent posts that did not exist at the initial time of publishing.

It may be especially beneficial to include links in the first few paragraphs of a post, as some bloggers have reported highly increased click-through rates from RSS readers with links high in the content,

10. The aLinks plugin for WordPress
WordPress users can take advantage of the aLinks plugin to automatically create links for commonly used phrases throughout their blog posts. The plugin is designed for use with internal links as well as external links (especially affiliate links).

Building Your Success

Most of us check our blog’s statistics on a regular basis, but how much do we really analyze and use that information to our advantage? We write posts, check out the traffic numbers, admire our success or hope for more. How often do we really analyze our posts to see what draws the most attention and what really satisfies our readers? I’m sure some bloggers do this very effectively, but I think most of us have room for some improvement in this area.

Here are some things to look for:

Are your most frequently visited posts on particular topics?

On my own blog I write on the subjects of web design, marketing and blogging. My most successful posts tend to be on web design related topics not on blogging or marketing. I think there are a number of factors that contribute to this, but it’s helpful to know that a certain topic is more likely to get noticed.

What posts are receiving the most social media traffic?

Social media websites like Digg and StumbleUpon are great for sending huge amounts of traffic. Have you taken the time to analyze what types of posts get the most love from social media? Part of having an effective strategy for social media marketing is knowing which posts to push and where. This doesn’t mean that you should ignore a topic because it doesn’t generate traffic from social media, but it does help you to make the best use of your time for marketing by using unproductive methods.

There may be other factors that contribute to which types of posts get social media traffic. For example, my posts that are web design related sometimes do well with niche social media sites, while posts that are related to blogging don’t get submitted to these sites since they aren’t relevant. I don’t think that makes the web design articles any better, it just means that they fit into a niche that has some unique opportunities.

What posts are receiving the most links?

Gaining inbound links is an important part of developing a successful blog. If you know what types of posts are likely to draw inbound links you’ll be able to create more effective link bait. Another thing you want to consider here is where you have marketed those posts that have drawn a lot of links. It may be a marketing method that is working more so than a particular type of content.

What posts are getting the most search engine traffic?

Your blog and certain posts may be optimized to rank well for a particular search phrase. Why not capitalize on this by adding even more related content? The new posts that you add are likely to also rank well if they target similar or related search phrases.

What posts receive the most comments?

One of the goals of a blog is to develop a community atmosphere that includes a lot of interaction from readers. If this can be accomplished, you will have developed a number of loyal readers that will continually come back to your blog. Certain types of posts may generate more reader interest and comments. If you’re looking to build a stronger community, consider catering your posts to this purpose.

What posts lead to increases in subscribers?

Have you noticed that each time you post on a particular topic your subscriber count increases the next day? Or on the other hand, have you noticed that certain topics turn readers away? Obviously subscribers are important and your writing should attempt to draw as many subscribers as possible.

All of these factors can give you a good indication of what your readers are interested in and what types of content will produce the best results for you. Hopefully this type of analysis will help you to do a better job of serving your readers and to find new ones.

Niche Blogging

One of the most important decisions that you’ll will make when starting a new blog is choosing a topic or subject. You have the option of choosing a highly-competitive and crowded market, or you can select a niche with fewer existing blogs. Too many new bloggers don’t realize how much this decision will impact them down the road. Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of blogging in a smaller niche.


1. Less Competition. The most obvious advantage to being in a niche is that you’ll have less competition. You’ll have less competition for traffic, for product sales, for affiliate product sales and whatever else you do.

2. Easier to Get Visitors to Subscribe. In more competitive niches your visitors may already be subscribed to a number of other blogs on your topic. In this case it’s difficult to encourage them to add more reading to their routine. You really have to show how valuable your can be for them. But if you are blogging in a small niche your visitors may not be subscribed to any blogs of your kind. If they are interested in the subject they’re much more likely to subscribe.

3. Creating Unique Content is Easier. With less blogs covering your topic you will have an easier time writing blog posts that aren’t repetitive. Unique content is essential for any blog’s success regardless of what niche it is in, so having an easier time being unique is a big advantage.

4. Higher Value for Advertisers. Many blogs create income by selling ad space. If an advertiser is looking for highly-targeted traffic, a niche blog will be a better option for advertisers. Because of this, niche blogs can frequently charge more for ad space than another blog could with the same amount of traffic.

5. Less Competition for Advertisers. Niche blogs will also have less competition from other blogs that are looking to sell ad space for specific advertisers. Again, if advertisers are interested in the highly-targeted traffic that your blog can provide for them, they will have fewer options. This also helps to increase the rates that you can charge for ad space.

6. Easier to Retain Readers. With less competition from other blogs, your readers won’t have the option to unsubscribe and get the same or similar information somewhere else. Creating and retaining loyal readers is a key to successful blogging and is much easier for specific niche blogs.

7. The Novelty Factor. Being in a smaller niche will make it easier for visitors to remember you because you will be more unique. Don’t underestimate the importance of being able to create a memorable impression on visitors.

8. Higher Search Engine Rankings. Niche blogs usually will have an easier time achieving high search engine rankings because of the lack of competition and the specific keywords and phrases that searchers will use.

9. Easier Monetization. The traffic of a niche blog will usually be more valuable than the traffic of other blogs because it is highly targeted. With highly-targeted traffic and less competition, monetizing a niche blog becomes easier because there are not hundreds of other blogs trying to earn income from the same visitors.


1. There’s No Guarantee the Niche Will Stay Small. Some blogs start in a small up-and-coming niche and before long they have much more competition.

2. Lower Traffic Potentials. Although it may be easier to create higher search engine rankings and higher subscription rates, blogs in small niches will still have lower potential amounts of traffic than blogs that cater to larger audiences. Social media websites favor topics that are of interest to a large number of people, and links can be harder to come by for niche blogs simply because there may be less websites and blogs interested in linking to that subject.

3. Less Options for Monetization. Although it may be easier to monetize a niche blog, you may also have fewer options. If you are looking to monetize a blog by selling affiliate products you may only have one or two options, whereas with a more popular subject you may literally have hundreds of options.

4. The Niche May Become Obsolete. Depending on the niche you choose, it may not be of any interest at some point in the future. Be careful when you choose a topic and make sure that it has staying power.

5. Less Search Volume. The potential for higher search engine rankings is somewhat offset by lower amounts of searches. Ideally, you’ll want to rank highly for common search phrases, but this may not be possible depending on your niche.

My blogging experience is in the highly-competitive subject of web design and internet marketing. I’ve found that these pros and cons need to be considered by new bloggers. I’ve had an easier time creating traffic because there are so many people interested in the topics that I cover, but getting truly loyal readers is much more difficult.

Social media has been the number 1 source of traffic for my blog, and I know this is the case for many blogs that cover similar topics. On the other hand, a highly specific niche blog may have a harder time creating social media traffic, but an easier time creating loyal readers.

Ways to Check the Amount of Competition Before Starting a New Blog:
Perform a search at Technorati for keywords and phrases related to a niche.
Perform a Google Blog search for keywords and phrases related to a niche.
Set up a few Google Alerts to track new content that Google indexes on the subject.
Use Google Trends to see the search volume of phrases.
Use sources like Techmeme to see what topics are hot.

When deciding on a topic, you first and foremost must choose a topic that interests you enough to keep you motivated. Building a profitable blog takes a lot of consistent work, and this can be very difficult to accomplish if you don’t enjoy writing, reading, and learning about the issues and subjects that you cover.

If your interests lie in a subject area that is highly saturated you need to understand what you are up against and have the persistence to stick it out. If you decide to compete in a smaller niche you need to realize that you will be targeting a smaller audience than some other sites. While you may never reach the high traffic levels and subscriber counts of some of the top blogs, you will still have a realistic chance to earn money from your smaller niche.

Do you blog in a small niche? What challenges and struggles do you face that you think are related to the topic of your blog? What other advantages and disadvantages do you see for niche blogs?